Responsible for the content (§ 5 TMG 01.03.2007)
Dipl. oec. Carsten Greiwe Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater
Wöhlerstr. 1-3 45147 Essen
Telefon +49 (201) 27 90 60 30
Telefax +49 (201) 27 90 60 329
USt-ID-Nr (VAT No.): DE 155717737
The legal professional description as Tax Consultant is conferred by the Duesseldorf Chamber of Tax Consultant (Steuerberaterkammer Düsseldorf) in Germany.
The legal professional description as Chartered Accountant is conferred by the Duesseldorf Chamber of Chartered Accountants (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer) in Germany.
Professional codes for Chartered Accountants (as pdf-file):
Professional codes for Tax Consultants:
- Steuerberatungsgesetz (StBerG)
- Steuerberatervergütungsverordnung (StBVV)
- Durchführungsverordnung (DVStB)
- Berufsordnung (BOStB)
All of the above are included in the "Berufsrechtliches Handbuch" (as pdf-file):
Legal notice:
Professional liability insurance:
Coverage according to § 54 WPO and § 67 StBerG is provided by HDI Gerling Firmen und Privat Versicherungs AG, Hannover, for all claims made ag German courts.